Class names and attributes

Learn how to add class names and attributes, see the full list of available CSS utility classes, and find out how you can use Tailwind CSS.

Add class names and attributes

Add class names and other attributes (such as IDs, WAI-ARIA tags, etc.) to any block-level element by putting them inside [...] and placing this at the very start of the element's syntax. IDs start with #, class names start with ., and other attributes can be added as-is, for example, style="...".

Here's how you can add class names and attributes to all the elements that support it:

# [#my-heading .anchored] Heading

[style="font-size: 17px;"]

- [.col-6 .xs:col-6 .list-inside]
- List item
- List item

0. [.col-6 .xs:col-6 .list-inside]
1. List item
2. List item

> [.text-accent #my-blockquote aria-label="..."]
> Blockquote

``` [.col-6 #my-code-block] python
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

[.col-6 .mt-3]
input* = TextInput(
  | question = What is your answer?

<div> element and data-binding

Create wrapping <div> elements by putting content inside pairs of :::. The content inside can be any valid Markdown, such as headings, paragraphs, lists, form fields, etc. Class names and other attributes are supported via [...]. Moreover, you can bind one or more fields to a <div> element by adding the names of the fields inside {$...$} (separated by spaces), and placing this within the [...]. This means that whenever the value of a binded field changes, the content inside the <div> will be automatically re-rendered.

price* = NumberInput(
  | question = Price | unitEnd = $ | subfield | min = 1

quantity* = NumberInput(
  | question = Quantity | subfield | min = 1

::: [.col-8 .text-end .xs:text-start {$ price quantity $}]
{% if price and quantity -%}
  Total: ${{ price }} × {{ quantity }} = ${{ price * quantity }}
{% else -%}
  Total: Set price and quantity
{% endif %}

Learn more about data-binding.

Available CSS utility classes

The following CSS utility classes are included by default in


The content in uses a grid based, 12-column system. This means you can add a .col-{value} class to any block-level element to have it occupy only a portion of the full width of the row. These class names come in the following formats:

  • .col-{value} (only for non-phone devices, ≥ 576px)

  • .xs:col-{value} (only for phones, < 576px)

The {value} can be any integer between 1 to 12 (included) or auto. So for example, .col-4 would span 4 columns.

[.col-4 .xs:col-6 style="border: 1px solid"]
price* = NumberInput(
  | question = Price | unitEnd = $ | subfield | min = 1

[.col-4 .xs:col-6 style="border: 1px solid"]
quantity* = NumberInput(
  | question = Quantity | subfield | min = 1

You can also push and pull each column using the following classes:

  • .col-start-{value}/.xs:col-start-{value} (sets grid-column-start: {value})

  • .col-end-{value}/.xs:col-end-{value} (sets grid-column-end: {value})

Here, the {value} can be any integer between 1 to 13 (included) or auto.

[.col-4 .xs:col-6 style="border: 1px solid"]
price* = NumberInput(
  | question = Price | unitEnd = $ | subfield | min = 1

[.col-4 .col-start-9 .xs:col-6 style="border: 1px solid"]
quantity* = NumberInput(
  | question = Quantity | subfield | min = 1

<div> elements created using ::: can also be given .col-{value} classes. Moreover, each <div> element is also a 12-column grid, so these classes can also be used on sub-elements within the <div>.

::: [.col-9 style="border: 1px solid"]
[.col-6 style="border: 1px solid red"]

- [.col-6 style="border: 1px solid red"]
- Item
- Item




color: var(--bmd-emphasis-color) (black in light mode and white in dark mode by default)


Sets color to accent

Display (and flex)



display: inline-block


display: block


display: inline-flex


display: flex


align-items: center


justify-content: flex-start


justify-content: center


justify-content: flex-end


display: none




Match the appearance of <h1>


Match the appearance of <h2>


Match the appearance of <h3>


Match the appearance of <h4>


Match the appearance of <h5>


Match the appearance of <h6>


Adds an anchor link to the heading (# to itself)

Font size



font-size: var(--bmd-font-size-lg) (18px by default)


font-size: 12px


font-size: 14px


font-size: 16px


font-size: 18px


font-size: 20px

Font weight



font-weight: lighter


font-weight: 300


font-weight: 400


font-weight: 500


font-weight: 600


font-weight: 700


font-weight: bolder




Match the appearance of a form field question


Match the appearance of a form field description

Light/dark mode



display: none only in light mode


display: none only in dark mode




padding-left: 0 and list-style-position: inside


padding-left: 0 and list-style: none




display: none only in LTR


display: none only in RTL


The class names for the margin and padding utilities come in the following formats: .m{sides}-{size} and .p{sides}-{size}.





Sets margin-top or padding-top


Sets margin-bottom or padding-bottom

s (start)

Sets margin-left or padding-left (inverted in RTL)

e (end)

Sets margin-right or padding-right (inverted in RTL)





Sets margin or padding to 0


Sets margin or padding to 4px


Sets margin or padding to 8px


Sets margin or padding to 16px


Sets margin-left or margin-right to auto

Text alignment



text-align: left (inverted in RTL)


text-align: center


text-align: right (inverted in RTL)


text-align: left only on phones (inverted in RTL)


text-align: center only on phones


text-align: right only on phones (inverted in RTL)




visibility: hidden

Use with Tailwind CSS or other frameworks adds a bmd- prefix to all CSS classes. This prefix comes from the #! css-prefix = bmd- setting. You can see how all of the available utility classes discussed on this page have this prefix in blocksmd.css. This makes sure that there are no collisions with other CSS frameworks that you may choose to use.

Therefore, if you want to use Tailwind CSS with your forms and pages, you would need to do the following:

  • Set prefix to none by adding the #! css-prefix = none line.

  • Include Tailwind CSS in your base.html.

After that, you can add Tailwind classes in [...] and everything should work as expected when you build your forms and pages by running the blocksmd command.

Last updated