Picture choice

Learn how to create a picture choice.

Picture choice

Picture choice at a glance

A picture choice lets the user select one or more items from a list. The only difference from a regular choice input is that each choice here has a relevant image to help the users. Here's a single picture choice with only the required parameter(s):

furniture = PictureChoice(
  | question = Please choose
  | choices =
    Chairs && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060655/hplants.jpg,
    Tables && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060651/oplants.jpg

Please note, the images are coming from the URLs, and they can be local (as in refer to local images) or remote (from a media hosting service such as S3, Cloudinary, and so on). Here's a multi-choice variation with only the required parameter(s):

furniture = PictureChoice(
  | question = Please choose
  | choices =
    Chairs && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060655/hplants.jpg,
    Tables && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060651/oplants.jpg
  | multiple

Given below is another picture choice with all the available parameters. The parameter names are case insensitive, and the ones without values after = are boolean parameters. You can find details about all of them in the available parameters section.

furniture* = PictureChoice(
  | question = Please choose
  | choices =
    Chairs && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060655/hplants.jpg,
    Tables && https://res.cloudinary.com/dnriuttuy/image/upload/v1721060651/oplants.jpg
  | multiple
  | checked = Chairs, Tables
  | description = Some description
  | hideLabels
  | fieldSize = sm
  | subfield
  | autofocus
  | disabled
  | supersize

Basics of a form field

A form field is a Markdown paragraph in the following format:

{fieldName}{optionalAsterisk} = {fieldType}(
  • The {fieldName} is the name of the input. It is used as the key for the value of the input in the form data (which is submitted as JSON). The {fieldName} can also be used to reference the input's value in the template. It must adhere to the following rules:

    • Not start with a number

    • Not contain a dash or hyphen (-)

    • Not contain a space

  • The {optionalAsterisk} is an * which (if provided) indicates that the field is required. If this is omitted, then the field becomes optional.

  • The {fieldType} must be one of the following: TextInput, EmailInput, TelInput, NumberInput, SelectBox, ChoiceInput, PictureChoice, RatingInput or OpinionScale (case insensitive).

For example, here's a required email input form field with a class name added to the wrapping container:

yourEmail* = EmailInput(
  | question = What is your email address?
  | description = Please make sure it's correct.

Your email is {$ yourEmail $}.

The following is not a valid form field because the empty line means that there are two Markdown paragraphs, and none of them follow the valid format:

address = TextInput(
  | question = What is your address?

  | description = ...


Parameters are information provided within the (...) when creating form fields. They must be separated by the form-delimiter, which by default is |. The form-delimiter can be changed as a setting. For example, this would render the exact same email input from above:

#! form-delimiter = \\n

yourEmail* = EmailInput(
  question = What is your email address?
  description = Please make sure it's correct.

Your email is {$ yourEmail $}.

Please note once again that parameter names are case insensitive, and boolean parameters only require their names to have effect (no need for values after =).

Available parameters

The following parameters are available for picture choices:


The main question of the form field. Here, the question is placed inside a <legend> element, which in turn is placed inside the wrapping <fieldset>.


List of available choices as CSV (comma separated values), where the image URL must come at the end after a &&. For example:

color* = PictureChoice(
  | choices =
    Red && img/red.jpg,
    Green && img/green.jpg,
    Blue && img/blue.jpg

By default, the value of each choice is the same as the label. However, you can specify a custom value for a choice by putting it inside "...", and placing this before or after the label. Note that the image URL must still come at the end. For example:

color* = PictureChoice(
  | question = Please choose
  | choices =
    Red "red" && img/red.jpg,
    "g" Green && img/green.jpg,
    Blue && img/blue.jpg

-> color == "g"

Your favorite color is Green.

Note how the jump condition (->) is using "g" instead of "Green", because g is the value and Green is the label. Only the label is shown to the user, so this is useful if you have labels which are long, readable, and/or descriptive, and values which are unique, short, usable, and/or programmatic. Here's another example where the labels are product names, and the values are machine-readable IDs:

product* = PictureChoice(
  | question = What do you want to buy?
  | choices =
    Mango "SKU-1234-5678" && img/mango.png,
    Apple "SKU-8765-4321" && img/apple.gif


Boolean parameter. When set, allows the user to select more than one choice. In case of multi-choice inputs, checkboxes are used instead of radio buttons.


If set and matches one or more choices, then the choices are checked by default. For instance, in the example below, choice y would be checked by default.

selection = ChoiceInput(
  | choices =
    x && img/x.jpg,
    y && img/y.jpg,
    z && img/z.jpg
  | checked = y

For multi-choice variations, you can put in one or more values as CSV (comma separated values). In the example below, all three choices would be checked by default.

selections = ChoiceInput(
  | choices =
    x && img/x.jpg,
    y && img/y.jpg,
    z && img/z.jpg
  | multiple
  | checked = x, y, z

Please note, this parameter must match the value of the choice, not the label. So if you set a value using "..." (see above), then the checked must be set to this value. For example:

product* = PictureChoice(
  | question = What do you want to buy?
  | choices =
    Mango "SKU-1234-5678" && img/mango.png,
    Apple "SKU-8765-4321" && img/apple.gif
  | checked = SKU-8765-4321

In the above example, the Apple choice would be checked by default.


Any extra information that the user may need to fill out the form.


Boolean parameter. When set, the text labels are hidden so that only the images are shown to the user.


When set to sm, the font sizes of the question, description, and answer are made smaller. Can also be globally set via the #! field-size = sm setting.


Boolean parameter. When set, the question of the form field is made smaller. This is useful for creating subfields, especially inside .col-* classes. For example:

What is your address?

city* = TextInput(
  | question = City | subfield | placeholder = New York

zip* = TextInput(
  | question = Zip | subfield | placeholder = 10001


Boolean parameter. When set, the first choice (checkbox or radio button) will be automatically focused when the parent slide becomes active, or immediately after page load (in case of single page layout). Can also be globally set via the #! autofocus = all-slides setting (only for slides).


Boolean parameter. When set, all the choices (checkboxes or radio buttons) are disabled.


Boolean parameter. When set, only up to two choices are placed in one row (default is up to three), so each choice (and its image) is made bigger. This is not applicable on phones because of screen size.

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